Sunday, January 10, 2010

Visited Dad for the weekend.

It felt strange heading down to visit and actually driving my car. I've been working hard to convert myself to using the bike as primary transport; this week I am going to go grocery shopping on the bike; hopefully my saddlebags will be sufficient - gotta remember to balance them! I really enjoy the mileage I get on the SV... I'm a big guy but the little twin seems un-fazed by it. I'm thinking that by the time the weather starts heating up after winter I am going to need some better gloves; I have either Mechanix mesh gloves (no abrasion protection), some Alpinestars leather gloves (no airflow, no insulation), and some winter gloves that'd be great riding in the snow, but kill any sense of feel I might have had. I'm pretty happy with my waterproof Alpinestars boots, except for when the water main by home busted and I had to ride through peg-deep water; the water splashed up to my waist, ran down my legs, and filled up my boots. Waterproof = water didn't drain out on its own.

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