Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bought a GoPro HD Hero

It's amazing! Wide angle (170 degrees) 5 megapixel stills, or up to 1080p hd video. I am in love with this gizmo! I'll attach a pic or two. I realized quickly that my 2 and 4gb SD cards were insufficient! Looking now for a Class 4 or Class 6 SDHC card so I can actually record 1080p without dropping frames. Good luck, me!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Family Christmas was a lot of fun!

Adam and Meghan brought Leland by Dad's house; so much fun! It was nice to see them; I'm so out of the loop sometimes. By the way... Leland zooming down the street on a gokart wearing a Transformers BumbleBee helmet? Priceless.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bought a bike today...

2007 Suzuki SV 650s in blue. I likes it. It's not the fastest thing in the world, but I certainly enjoy the torque. It's too quiet though; that's easy enough to fix, part of the purchase includes a Yoshimura slipon, so, can't wait for that to come in.. That's Ryan, the dude that sold it to me - thanks Ryan! Thanks Oceanside Cycle Supply!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

First post.

Talking to my brother right now - I don't see him much, but he's kinda rad.